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NEWS 11 May 2016
FRCA win Rock Challenge Youth Division 2016!
On Saturday 7th May Freedom Road Creative Arts won the Youth Division of Rock Challenge with a their piece entitled "On The Road To Culture", choreographed by Holly Shears and Chris Holmes.
On The Road To Culture was centred around two Tour Guides and four Tourists.
The first, and older Guide, showed a pessimistic outlook to the development of Hull in the run up to 2017, looking for any opportunity to create barriers to prevent the tourists from exploring Hull and the attributes it holds; whilst his apprentice, was completely the opposite, and showed an enthusiasm to explore our wonderful City taking the tourists with him.
Focussing on Hull Fair, The Deep, Hull's Sports Teams and finally the Music Scene the dancers created a superbly entertaining and quirky routine which won the judges over.
With support from Wayne and Francis of Bransholme Community Arts Enterprize in helping create the set; Eurovia who provided us with the Orange Barriers, Yellow Hats and Hi-Viz Jackets and Lisa and Holly in making the costumes, this year was a big team effort and we thank you.
And to all the young people who took part; you're all stars.
charity number:1124982