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NEWS 21 July 2017

Busy Beginning of the Summer Term

With the Rock Challenge competition on May 6th shortly followed by the Cottingham Springboard Festival on May 27th, Arafest on July 1st and more recently the drama production of "Chicken", the FRCA team have been incredibly busy working alongside some inspiring young people.

And now with the summer school holidays upon us we are about embark on a new Film-Making project; participating in the Music Festivals (Humber St Sesh, Tribfest and Freedom Fringe Festival), and we are about to send Liam and Luke over to Sydney to facilitate song writing workshops and the Create Foundation's "Voices in Action" conference!

Within all of this, funding is a priority, and having already secured money from the Smiles Foundation, Headstart, The 2 Ridings Foundation, and of course donations from Arafest and The Ellesmere Centre, (all of which enable the charity to grow further), we await the outcome of the Children in Need application.

The Children in Need funding has enabled FRCA to facilitate the foundations of the service for the past 6 years and fingers crossed, this will continue.

Thank you to all those who support FRCA

.Children in Need logo

charity number:1124982