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NEWS 30 May 2018
Rock Challenge and the Cottingham
Springboard Festival make May a bit barmy!
The annual Youth Division of Rock Challenge; again taking place at Hull City Hall, saw us finish runners up with a fabulous performance. Telling the tale of 3 young people's experiences of social media, Leon, Courtney and Jamie Leigh played their roles with passion and commitment.
Supported by a wonderful cast; Alisha, Rowley, Melissa, Jordan, Dan, Katie, Izzy,Toyah, Emily, Leonie, Billy Jo, Ethan, Latisha, Zoe, Sarah Lou, Evie and Millie, the group showed again their talents.
Cottingham Springboard Festival followed shortly after and this year, we held a stage at the Civic Hall on Saturday 26th May.
Solo performances from Dylan, Josie; A.K.A. "The Party", Leila, Ellie, Gracie, Mary (making her first performance with the FRCA gang and supported by Josie), Isabel, Lucy and Jayde, were followed by "The Band" (yet unnamed).
"The Band" are; Dan on drums, Dylan on Bass, Gracie, Josie and Lucy on guitar, Ty on keys and Leila on vocals and are simply brilliant. Born from a project we did with Headstart funding, and which focussed on re-creating songs from Hull Bands from the past, the YP and the FRCA staff have done an amazing job. Well worth getting to see them.
It was then turn of our Saturday Groups. A collective of cool young people who have a passion of music and who meet weekly to create remakes of songs both current and from the past.
Ty Rokahr (no introduction needed as he's become an established young artist in his his own right, but who also attends and supports the FRCA sessions), followed and then Voodoo Dance Party brought the afternoon to a close with their unique brand of music. A Good Day!!
On Sunday, we moved over to the Duke of Cumberland and onto an acoustic stage which was to be organised, programmed and engineered by Dylan, Dan and Ollie.
Dylan, Leila, Josie, Ellie, Ty, Nathan, Mary, and Courtney again performed but the added importance of the day was having the guys above putting it all together and running it.
A good afternoon and one which brings May to a happy close. Bring on June!!
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