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NEWS 12 August 2018
Humber Street Sesh 2018 proves to be the best yet!
On August 4th 2018, without doubt, the finest Humber Street Sesh to date, for all involved, took place.
This year the FRCA/Hull College Stage was provided by "The Stage Bus" company. At first sight it was difficult to imagine how this "box type van" would transform into a stage big enough to house bands. However the ingenious design of the stage; solar powered too, gave us a stage we hope to use again. It was simply brilliant!
Ellie Sowersby, Alice Simmons, All Gone South, Evie Barrand, Ty Rokahr, Immie Hart, The Filthy Obsession, Obelus, Walking Primrose, Voodoo Dance Party, The Piper, Anti Classic, Lost in South and of course our soloists were all fabulous!!
Being able to showcase the breathe of young talent that populates this City is essential and it provides us with the knowledge that future headlining acts are being created.
Mak and the Humber St Sesh team should be held responsible for creating the kind of positive feel good factor the City needs, and long may it continue.
Next stop Tribfest!
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