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NEWS: 1st January 2019
FRCA celebrates it's 10 year anniversary
with some memorable performances
Let's Rock
For FRCA the 2018 calendar began with the Let's Rock event alongside our regional friends from Remarkable Arts, Goole Junction, Castaway and Junction Goole at Bridlington Spa.It wouldn't be fair to pick out any individual performances as that would not be fair to everyone; so therefore to Courtney, Dan, Danielle, Dom, Dylan, Ellie, Emily C, Emily S, Ethan, Gracie, Jacob, Lucy, Ollie, Sam, Ty, Amber, Isabel, Jake, Jamie, Jayde, Josie, Kaomi, Leila, Matthew, Natasha, Phoebe, Rachel, Shelley, Nicole and Carrie; well done!
Rock Challenge
The annual Youth Division of Rock Challenge in May; again taking place at Hull City Hall, saw us finish runners up with a fabulous performance. Telling the tale of 3 young people's experiences of social media, Leon, Courtney and Jamie Leigh played their roles with passion and commitment.Supported by a wonderful cast; Alisha, Rowley, Melissa, Jordan, Dan, Katie, Izzy,Toyah, Emily, Leonie, Billy Jo, Ethan, Latisha, Zoe, Sarah Lou, Evie and Millie, the group showed again their talents.
Cottingham Springboard
Cottingham Springboard Festival followed shortly after and this year, we held stages at the Civic Hall on Saturday 26th May and the Duke of Cumberland on Sunday 27th. Thanks to Jayney Wright and the Off the Road team for providing us with the opportunity once more.Humber St SESH
On August 4th 2018, without doubt, the finest Humber Street Sesh to date, for all involved, took part.This year the FRCA/Hull College Stage was provided by "The Stage Bus" company. At first sight it was difficult to imagine how this "box type van" would transform into a stage big enough to house bands. However the ingenious design of the stage; solar powered too, gave us a stage we hope to use again. It was simply brilliant!
Ellie, Alice Simmons, All Gone South, Evie Barrand, Ty Rokahr, Immie Hart, The Filthy Obsession, Obelus, Walking Primrose, Voodoo Dance Party, The Piper, Anti Classic, Lost in South and of course our soloists and groups were all fabulous!!
Summer School
This year’s Summer School was based around a “Stars in Their Eyes” theme and took place at Marist Church Hall and Kardomah 94.The idea was, for the YP taking part, to work together in re-producing songs by artists of their choice. This included rehearsing the songs; some as solo artists and some in groups, and to find costumes which would enhance their image and performance.
The project also had a Music Tech team who were responsible for facilitating the sound and lighting at the event.
With Rachel becoming Adele; Ty, Leila and Mary becoming Arianna Grande, Jesse J and Nicki Minaj; Courtney, Toyah, Evie, Emily and Lucy becoming the Spice Girls; Dan becoming Beyonce; Izzy becoming Panic at the Disco; Pippa becoming Anne Marie; Tilly becoming Ariana Grande; Olivia becoming Ke$ha; Dylan becoming; Charlie Puth; Matt becoming George Ezra, Ethan becoming Twenty-One Pilots, Kaomi, Shelley and Jacob becoming a mash up of Britney Spears and with the Tech Team doing a smashing job, this year’s Summer School created some lasting memories for all involved.
Freedom Fringe Festival
It was then over to Jaz Bar on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd for the Freedom Fringe Festival. With the Freedom Festival continuing to exclude a Youth Music Stage, we teamed up again with Jaz Bar who have become a keen supporter of FRCA.Walking Primrose
The band created through the work done at the Tuesday evening music sessions at Kardomah, with the guidance and support from Iain, Fozz, Lisa and Jonny; Walking Primrose, (Leila, Josie, Gracie, Lucy, Ty, Dan and Dylan), recorded their debut release Jumpstart. A song written by the Band's, Leila Blount, immediately received airplay on the local radio stations including BBC Introducing, KCFM and Hull Kingston Radio and the band have an exciting 2019 ahead including a slot on the Main Stage at Humber St SESH.Humber St Festival of Christmas
The Humber St Festival of Christmas was a new event staged at the 3 Wise Men venue on Humber St. Having a stage on the four Sundays approaching Christmas, we were able to showcase, not only the regular FRCA gang, but acts such as The Filthy Obsession and Immie Hart.Peter Pan
Completing 2018 was the Peter Pan production put together with our Thursday musical theatre/dance group and with the guidance of Holly and Iain. With Dan playing Captain Hook, Ethan playing Smee, Toyah playing Wendy, Evie and Millie playing Tinker and Belle, Daisy playing the ferociuos Croc and a wonderful support cast, this proved to be one of the highlights, not only of 2018, but of FRCA's 10 year existence.So that's 2018. A busy, creative and inspiring year alongside the young people who make it all happen,
See you all in 2019!!
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