NEWS: 28 August 2020
New Ideas and New Projects
The past 6 months have been interesting in terms of how we operate and what we offer. It’s made us think “outside of the box”, and we’ve had to be creative in providing the service to the children and young people at FRCA – and I think we’ve done rather well.
To begin with we set up a secure system (via Slack), through which we could communicate with everyone and certainly during the first few months of the Lockdown period it proved to be a vital tool.
The first project we did was the Funny Faces Project where we asked people to post their best funny face; this to make us smile at the beginning of this period in time.
Other projects then followed:
Cooking Vegan with Lucy – Lucy Musgrave runs her own blog/company, “Pure Delicious” and we asked Lucy to run some cooking sessions on a Sunday via Zoom, this aimed at introducing young people to veganism. Loads of sessions followed and some “Delicious” dishes created.
Dua Lipa – Don’t Stop Now – For this project young people were asked to sing parts of Dua Lipa’s “Don’t Stop Now” song and post on the Slack account. These were then put together to create a video which was then posted on our social media sites.
Lockdown Monologues – The monologues project was aimed at gathering young people’s thoughts and feelings towards the lockdown period and these were presented through a series of monologues and again promoted via our social media sites.
West Hull Radio – FRCA FM – We teamed up with West Hull Radio FM to develop a weekly show which would be presented by Jack Thompson and Luke Danaher. The idea was to promote local artists and bands who would have normally played on the Youth Stages that we facilitate at festivals such as Humber St Sesh, Tribfest and the Freedom Fringe Festival.The show is proving a huge success and the plan is to keep this running for the foreseeable future.
Wednesday’s 7pm till 8pm 106.9FM or via the Tune In App.
Summer Shutdown Festival – We partnered up with the Goodwin Centre for the Summer Shutdown Festival on August 1st. We had the idea of doing an online event in the summer as HSS/Tribfest etc had been postponed and after hearing of Goodwin’s idea we thought it only sensible to partner up.Nicole, Jasmine, Diddie, Ruby, Courtney, Emily, Lucy, Michaela and Alfie were simply superb!
Caravan of Love – Next up was the Caravan of Love project which was done in the same format as the Dua Lipa idea. It created loads of positive comments including one from Paul Heaton himself;
"From: Paul Heaton
Subject: Re: Caravan of Love Lockdown
To: Ian Bolton
Yeah that's lovely that Ian.
Looks like they had a lot of fun making it too!
Good luck with it all and keep safe.
All the best
Paul Hx"
Weekly Quiz – Running throughout the lockdown period we have continued to hold the Weekly Quiz on a Tuesday evening which has proved popular and a good way of keeping in touch. An ever-present participant has been Emily Sutherland who, if I am correct, is the champion of FRCA Quiz champions!
FRCA Podcast – A weekly podcast was launched in July aimed at discussing current issues whilst also having some fun with light-hearted topics. The weekly podcasts will continue.
Vlogstar Hull – In partnership with Cornerhouse we have been involved with the Vlogstar Hull project aimed at empowering young people to talk about their ambitions for Reliable and Dependable Relationships.
Ethan, Jordan, Jack and Luke have made 3-minute Vlogs which are showcased on Sept 3rd.
New Home - And finally we have moved into a new home!!! Creative Spaces contacted us recently and offered us a space in Prospect Centre free of charge. Rather than having spaces empty they are being made available to charities to make use of them.
Therefore, after lots of hard work we open on Saturday 29th August.
The new FRCA Centre!!!
charity number:1124982