19 July 2010
July continues to be a busy month for FRCA
July is proving to be a very busy time for FRCA with the young people performing at a range of events across the City.
The month had started with the visit of Jacqui Reed from the CREATE Foundation in Australia and the young people put on a performance to send Jacqui home smiling. The following weekend FRCA were asked to provide some entertainment at the Clubhouse in Garden Village at their annual Summer Fayre. So Freedom Road and the Saturday Gleeks stepped in to help out and the afternoon proved a huge success.
The following weekend, 17th and 18th, saw the Clipper Festival welcome the return of the Clipper Yachts which had taken part in the Round the World race. To help celebrate this event Creative Voice staged a Youth Music event at the brand new FRUIT venue on Humber Street and FRCA were heavily involved with around 20 young people being involved.
Saturday; Rose became the first act to perform at FRUIT and her rendition of Lenka's The Show was outstanding. Sammy followed with Catch Me before Sammy and Rose concluded their set with Bubbly.
Freedom Road took to the stage shortly after and demonstrated how very good they have now become with a polished set which included tracks from the soon to be released CD "Catch Me". The set also included a solo effort from the band's Sammy Watson and a version of Ego which went down a storm.
More performances throughout the afternoon took place, the highlight being the very talented Molly Brown.
Sunday saw the event take on a more drama based theme and we asked our Monday Group to perform an extract from "James and the Giant Peach". Mollie, Emily, James, Mitch, Liam and Mitch you are all stars!!
Following performances from other drama groups from across the City the Saturday Gleeks closed the event with a set full of growing confidence. They were joined by the Monday drama group in singing "Don't Sop Believing" to finish.
Congratulations must go to all involved in making this event a huge success.