30 September 2010
Saturday Gleeks and Freedom Road keeping busy
The Saturday Gleeks and Freedom Road brought September to a close with performances at the Prince's Ave Methodist Church's world music day and the NHS's AGM which was held at the KC Stadium respectively.
First up was the Methodist Church's event on Saturday 25th which was organised with the help of Shobal and which gave the Gleeks and Sammy and Rose the opportunity to perform some new numbers. The event also had performances from other local young people and enjoyed by everyone who attended.
The following Wednesday 29th, Freedom Road were invited to perform at the NHS's AGM which was being held in the Kingston Suite at the KC Stadium. Keen to support an organisation that has funding various projects run by FRCA and RAPP, Freedom Road performed 2 songs from the CD "Catch Me".
So as we move into the final 3 months of the year other events are been hastily organised which will enable the young people to carry on developing their talents, so make sure you check out on The Band section of the website for further details!..