NEWS 12 November 2012
Lisa is crowned the winner of the 2012 Stars in Their Eyes charity fundraiser
Now in it's 5th year the FRCA annual fundraising event, "Stars in Their Eyes" was, at last, won by Lisa Billany as Florence and the Machine. Having been the runner up on a number of occasions, Lisa finally dumped the, "Best Runner Up" label, with a brilliant performance at Hull's Beverley Road Social Club, as over £800 was raised for the charity.
It was a cracking evening as Lisa and the other performers on the night; Hayley as Cher, Dan as Paul Heaton, Katy as Gwen Steffani, Jess as Kt Tunstall, Liv as Avril Lavigne, Iain as Elton John, Liam as Barry Gibb, Johnny as Tony Hadley, Molly as Jesse J and Jack as Dave Grohl, supported by the house band "Executive Suite", Dave, Andy, Robbo, Lou and Sam, entertained a healthy crowd that turns out year after year to support us.
The night was compeered by Radio Humberside's Westenders presenters Carl Wheatley and Jonathan Parker who kindly gave up their time, as did Jack Mangan who provided the evening with his "Photo Booth". This proved a massive success judging by the amount of photos created from the Photo Booth now on facebook!
Thanks must also go to all those who donated raffle prizes; to Sammie and Garry, and of course to Kay.
The money raised on the evening is going to be used to purchase some new guitars and guitar cases for the FRCA Youth Music sessions. Since starting these sessions at the beginning of October, the numbers participating in the guitar classes has steadily increased, as has the demand for instruments. A fitting use of funds raised from this musical event!