
OUR STORY 2008 - 2023

Thank you

Thank you to all our wonderful staff past and present: Lisa, Liam, Jonny, Hannah, Sabrina, and Stephen; our initial music, Tribfest, Humber St Sesh pioneers, our current amazing staff: Molly, Jack, Ben, Éva, Simon, Shekinah, Nicole, and Owen. Jon, Holly, Katie, Jimi and Anne-Marie; the Rock Challenge gang who helped make such amazing memories: Jacqui Reed at CREATE, a time that the Australia gang will always treasure, Craig Clark, Penny Crawford, Mike Pinnock and Nigel Richardson who made Australia happen. Rev Tom McCready who lit the FRCA flame, Andy Pearson; Lyn Hubbard, Karen and all at Kingston Youth Centre; the late and great Mal Scott; James Dickinson, Sean Miller and Luke Bolton at the Albermarle, our home from which the majority of our projects take place; Ruth Drake at Creative Voice which is a vital partner. Ed and Dempsey Faulkner at Tribfest and Mak and Dan Mawer at Humber St Sesh, both always highlights of the year, Chris Warcup, Darren Bunting and Jayney Wright who have provided us with endless opportunities for the young musicians at FRCA, Keith Russell and The Warren; Mike Aramayo and the ARAFEST people raising funds for FRCA, your support is greatly appreciated; Alan Raw who has supported the emerging artists that begin their music journies at FRCA; Children in Need; Youth Music, Esmee Fairbairn, The Ragdoll Foundation, The Tweed Foundation, Healthy Holidays, Community Spaces and the Prospect Centre; Dan Sproats, Keyley Graham, Nicole at EDUKIT; Nicola Dixon who keeps Let's Rock happening; all the Children and Young People who have made FRCA what it is today. And finally, Kay and Claire who put up with us never being at home.


Thanks to the Ragdoll Foundation for funding the book

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charity number:1124982